
Below are some national/international STEM competitions for youth. 

Attending or participating in events like these is a great way to get involved in STEM. You are able to use science & math in exciting challenges & have lots of fun! 

Be sure to check these out if you are interested.

FIRST Robotics

FIRST is an international STEM organization that hosts youth robotics competitions. Every year, there is a new, themed map of challenges.

In high school robotics competitions, teams work together to score as many points as they can with their robots! 

Students are able participate in a school team or a community team.

Additional information can be found below.

FIRST Robotics

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a team STEM tournament present all over the United States. Aside from competitions, Science Olympiad also offers various workshops & resources for students of all ages!

Some tournament challenges include bridge building, code busters, & various labs!

Students are able to participate through school teams.

Find additional information below. 

Science Olympiad

FIRST Lego League

In addition to high school robotics teams, FIRST also offers middle school students the opportunity to join a lego league team. Every year, there is a new, themed map of challenges.  

In middle school lego league competitions, teams work to score as many points as possible with their robot. Teams also design a solution to a real-world problem related to the year’s theme! 

Students are able to participate in a school team or a community team.

Additional information can be found below. 

FIRST Lego League

National Science Bowl

National Science Bowl is a national youth STEM competition that tests knowledge of math & science. Teams who make it to nationals take a fully paid trip to Washington, D.C. & enjoy lots of exciting activities!

Science Bowl is open to middle school & high school students. See if your school has a team!

Additional information can be found below. 

National Science Bowl